Borjigin - Börçigin - Börü Tigin
Borjigin - Börçigin - Börü Tigin
Borjigin - Börçigin - Börü Tigin
Borjigin (plural Borjigid; Mongolian: Боржигин, Borjigin; Борджигин, Bordžigin; Mongolian script: Borjigit 1.png, Borjigit), is the last name of the imperial clan of Genghis Khan and his successors.
Börçigin (Moğolca: Боржигин, Borçigin; Çince: 博爾濟吉特; pinyin: Bó'ěrjìjítè), Cengiz Han ve ardıllarının üyesi olduğu boydur. Ayrıca "Altan Urug" (Moğolca: Алтан ураг), yani "altın soy" ve Munkak olarak da bilinir ,
Esasen Bodonçar'ın sülalesi için kullanılan Börçigin adı, Moğol İmparatorluğu kurulduktan sonra Kiyat boyundan sadece Gengiz, Cuci Kasar, Kaçiun ve Temüge Oççigin olmak üzere dört kardeşin sülalesinden gelenler ("Altan Uruk") için kullanılmaya başlamıştır.
1271'de Cengiz Han'ın torunu olan Kubilay Han Çin'de Yüen Hanedanını kurdu. Börçiginler 14. yüzyılın büyük bölümü boyunca da Moğol İmparatorluğu'nda, Çin'de ve Asya'nın diğer kısımlarında hüküm sürdüler. 1368'de Togan Timur yönetimindeyken Börçiginler Çin hakimiyetini kaybettiler ama aile mensupları 17. yüzyıla kadar Moğolistan'ı yönetmeye devam etmiştirler ve Çin'in Kin Hanedanı'ndaki 49 Moğol sancağının en güçlüsüydüler. Börçigin günümüz Moğolistan'ında yaygın bir soyadıdır.
Âl-i Cengiz
Ana madde: Cengiz Han Soyu
Cengiz Han Soyu'nun izlerini özellikle Orta Asya'da bulmak mümkündür. Onun dört oğlu ve onun hemen ardından gelen vârisleri adları ve yaptıklarıyla şöhret sahibidirler. Daha sonraki Asyalı hükümdarlar çürük dayanaklarla kendilerini bu soydan gelmiş göstermeye çalışmışlardır. 14. yüzyılda geçerli kaynaklar (ki bunlar büyük oranda Reşidüddin'e ve diğer Arap tarihçilerine dayanmaktaydı) bu konuda bilgi verememektedir. Genbilimsel DNA testinin yakın zamanda gördüğü revaçla birlikte daha çok insan bu büyük Kağan'ın soyundan geldiğini iddia etmeye başlamıştır.
Cengiz Han soyundan inen Asya hanedanları arasında şunlar vardır: Çin'de Yuan Hanedanı, İran'da İlhanlılar, Deşt-i Kıpçak'ta Altın Ordu (Cuci ulusu), Kuzey Asya ve Orta Asya'da Sibir Hanlığı, Şeybani Hanlığı ve Astrahan Hanlığı. Kural olarak Cengiz soyu Tatar politikalarında çok büyük önem arz ediyordu.
Örneğin Mamay Han yetkisini kukla hanlar eliyle kullanabiliyor ama kendisi Cengiz soyundan gelmediği için Han ünvanını kullanamıyordu.
dipnot: Börçigin Börü Tigin'den türemiş olup kurt prens anlamına gelir.
Güncel ilgisi
Boy teşkilatlanmasının 20. yüzyılda uygulanan bir bağı kalmamıştır ama halen pek çok Moğol için bir şeref ve gurur meselesi sayılmaktadır. 1920'lerde komünist rejim boy adlarının kullanılmasını yasaklamıştı. Bu yasak 1997'de yürürlükten kaldırıldığında ailelerin çoğunluğu boy bağları hakkındaki bilgilerini yitirmişlerdi. Bu nedenle de aşırı sayıda aile nüfus kaydını en prestijli boy ismi olan Börçigin mensubu olarak yapmıştır, ki bunların pek çoğunun tarihi bir temeli yoktur.
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==Detailed family tree==
[[Quralas]] Descendant, Börte Chino,
*[[Börte Chino]] and his wife [[Gua Maral]],
*1. [[Bat Tsagaan]] - was the son of Börte Chino and Gua Maral,
**2. [[Tamacha of Battsagaan|Tamacha]] - was the son of Bat Tsagaan,
***3. [[Horichar Mergen]] - was the son of Tamacha,
****4. [[Uujim Buural]] - was the son of Horichar Mergen,
*****5. [[Sali Hachau]] - was the son of Uujim Buural,
******6. [[Yehe Nidün]] - was the son of Sali Hachau,
*******7. [[Sem Sochi]] - was the son of Yehe Nidün,
********8. [[Harchu]] - was the son of Sem Sochi,
*********9.[[Borjigidai Mergen]] - was the son of Harchu, and his wife was [[Mongoljin Gua]]
*10. [[Torogoljin Bayan]] - was the son of Borjigidai Mergen, and had as wife [[Borogchin Gua]],
[[Khurilardai Bayan]] - was the son of Borjigidai Mergen,
[[Alan Gua]] was the daughter of Khurilardai Bayan,
**11. [[Dobu Mergen]] - was the son of Torogoljin Bayan, and had a wife named as [[Alan Gua]]
*12. [[Bodonchar Munkhag]] - was the son of Alan Gua,
**13. [[Habich Baghatur]] - was the son of Bodonchar Munkhag,
***14. [[Menen Tüdün]] - was the son of Habich Baatar,
****15. [[Hachi Hülüg]] - was the son of Menen Tüdün,
*16. [[Khaidu]] - was the son of Hachi Hülüg,
**17. [[Baishinhor Dogshin]] - was the first son of Khaidu,
**18. [[Chirhya Lynhua]] - was the second son of Khaidu,
***19. [[Sengun Bilge]] - was the son of Chirhya Lynhua,
****20. [[Ambaghai|Ambaghai Khan]] - was the son of Sengun Bilge, Khan of [[Khamag Mongol]] (~1149–1156)
**21. [[Chaujin Ortagai]] - was the third son of Khaidu,
***22. [[Tumbinai Setsen]] - was the son of Baishinkhor Dogshin,
****23. [[Khabul Khan]] - was the first son of Tumbinai Setsen, Khan of Khamag Mongol (1120s - ~1149)
****24. [[Semsochule]] - was the second son of Tumbinai Setsen,
*****25. [[Ardi Barlas]]- was the Elder son of Semsochule,
*****26. [[Angg Goraan]]- was the second son of Semsochule,
*****27. [[Ohinbarhag]] - was the first son of Khabul Khan,
*****28. [[Bartan Baghatur]] - was the second of Khabul Khan,
*****29. [[Hutugtu Monhor]] - was the third son of Khabul Khan,
*****30. [[Hotula Khan]] - was the fourth of Khabul Khan, Khan of Khamag Mongol (1156- ~1160)
*****31. [[Hulan of Khabul|Hulan]] - was the fifth son of Khabul Khan,
*****32. [[Hadaan]] - was the sixth son of Khabul Khan,
*****33. [[Todoi]] - was the seventh son of Khabul Khan,
******34. [[Mengitü Hiyan]] - was the first son of Bartan Baghatur
******35. [[Negun Taiji]] - was the second son of Bartan Baghatur
******36. [[Yesügei|Yesügei Baghatur]] - was the third son of Bartan Baghatur, and his wife is [[Hoelun]] üjin
******37. [[Daridai]] - was the fourth son of Bartan Baghatur
*******38. [[Temüjin]] - was the first son of Yesügei and Hoelun, and [[Genghis Khan]] titled, Khan of Khamag Mongol (1189–1206)
*******39. [[Hasar]] - was the second son of Yesügei and Hoelun,
*******40. [[Hachiun]] - was the third son of Yesügei and Hoelun,
*******41. [[Temüge]] - was the fourth son of Yesügei and Hoelun,
*******42. [[Temülen]] - was the daughter of Yesügei and Hoelun,
*******43. [[Behter]] - was the first son of Yesügei and lesser wife Sochigel
*******Too many numbers. [[Belgütei]] - was the second son of Yesügei and lesser wife Sochigel
*****'''Temüjin''' ([[Genghis Khan]]), [[Khagan]] 1206–1227 - [[Börte]] (principal wife)
******[[Jochi]] (paternity uncertain)
*******''See [[list of Khans of the Golden Horde]]''
*******Son [[Orda Khan|Orda]], founder of the [[White Horde]] (Khan 1226–1280) in [[Kazakhstan]].
********[[Urus Khan]], Khan of the [[White Horde]] 1374–1377
*********[[Toqtaqiya]], Khan of the [[White Horde]] 1377–1377
*********[[Timur-Malik]], Khan of the [[White Horde]] 1377–1378
**********[[Temür Qutlugh]], Khan of the [[Golden Horde]] 1397–1399
**********[[Shadi Beg]], Khan of the Golden Horde 1399–1407
**********[[Pulad]], Khan of the Golden Horde 1407–1410
*********[[Qutlugh Buga]]
********[[Toqtamysh]] (died 1406), Khan of the Golden Horde 1380–1395
********Son [[Kochu]], Khan of the White Horde 1280–1302.
*******Son [[Batu Khan|Batu]], founder of the [[Blue Horde]], and later of the [[Golden Horde]] (or [[Kipchak Khanate]]) (Khan 1240–1255) in Russia. '''Suhaib Khan'''
********Son [[Sartaq]], Khan of the Golden Horde 1255–1256.
********[[Ulaghchi|Ulagchi Khan]] (1247–1257), Ulagchi - probably the son of [[Sartaq]] often named Ju Lai, (Dzhulaibek), Batu's mother Ukhaa ujin belonged to the Mongol Onggirat clan, Khan of the Golden Horde 1257
********[[Toqoqan]] (?)
*********[[Mengu-Timur]], Khan of the Golden Horde 1266–1282.
**********[[Toqta]] Khan, Khan of the Golden Horde 1291–1312
***********[[Uzbeg Khan]] (1282–1341), Khan of the Golden Horde 1312–1341
************[[Jani Beg]] (died 1357), Khan of the Golden Horde 1342–1357
*************[[Berdi Beg]] (died 1359), Khan of the Golden Horde 1357–1359
*************[[Qulpa]] (died 1360), Khan of the Golden Horde 1359–1360
*************[[Nawruz Beg]] (died 1361), Khan of the Golden Horde 1360–1361
*********[[Tuda Mengu]], Khan of the Golden Horde 1280–1287
**********[[Tole Buqa]] (died 1291), Khan of Golden Horde 1287–1292
*******Son [[Berke]], Khan of the Golden Horde 1256–1266.
*******Son Sinkur
*******Son [[Shiban|Siban]]
********[[Nogai Khan|Nogai]]
*********[[Chaka of Bulgaria|Chaka]]
***********[[Mamai]], Khan of the [[Blue Horde]] and the [[Golden Horde]] (1361–1380)
******[[Chagatai Khan|Chagatai]], founder of the [[Chagatai Khanate]] in present-day Iran, reputed ancestor of [[Babur]] of the [[Mughal Empire]] in India.
*******''See [[:Category:Chagatai khans]]''
*******Son Mö'etüken
********Son [[Qara Hülëgü]] (d. 1252), Khan of the Chagatai Khanate 1242–1246 and 1252.
*********Son [[Mubarak Shah]], Khan of the Chagatai Khanate 1252–1260 and 1266.
*******Son [[Yesü Möngke]], (d. 1252), Khan of the Chagatai Khanate 1252.
*******Son [[Alghu]], (d. ca. 1266), Khan of the Chagatai Khanate 1260–1266.
*******Son Yesünto'a
********Son [[Baraq (Chagatai Khan)|Baraq]] (d. 1271), Khan of the Chagatai Khanate 1266–1271.
*********[[Duwa Temür]], Khan of the Chagatai Khanate 1274–1306
**********Kbek, Khan of the Chagatai Khanate 1309 and 1318–1326
**********[[Tarmashirin]] (died 1334), Khan of Chagatai Khanate 1327–1334
******[[Ögedei Khan|Ögedei]], ruled as Khagan 1229–1241.
*******Son [[Güyük Khan|Güyük]], Khagan 1246–1248.
*******Son [[Kadan]].
*******Son Kashin.
********Son [[Kaidu]] (d. 1301)
******[[Tolui]] - [[Sorghaghtani Beki]]
*******Son [[Möngke Khan|Möngke]], Khagan 1251–1259.
*******Son [[Kublai Khan|Kublai]], Khagan 1260–1294, founder of [[Yuan Dynasty]] in China (as Emperor Shizu).
********Son [[Zhenjin]].
*********Son Timür, Khan 1294–1307, ruled as [[Emperor Chengzong of Yuan China|Emperor Chengzong]].
*********Son Darmabala
**********Son Qayshan, Khan 1308–1311, ruled as [[Emperor Wuzong of Yuan China|Emperor Wuzong]].
**********:''See [[list of Emperors of the Yuan Dynasty]] and [[Yuan Dynasty family tree]]''.
*******Son [[Hulagu]] founder of the [[Ilkhanate]] in [[Iran]] and [[Mesopotamia]].
********''See [[:Category: Il-Khan emperors]]''
********Son [[Abaqa]], Il-Khan 1265–1282.
*********Son [[Arghun]], Il-Khan 1284–1291 - Buluqhan Khatan (wife).
**********[[Ghazan Khan]] (1271–1304), Khan of the Ilkhanate 1295–1304
**********[[Öljaitü]] Khan (1280–1316), Khan of the Ilkhanate 1304–1316
*********Son [[Gaykhatu]], Il-Khan 1291–1295 - Padshah Hatun (wife).
********Son [[Tekuder]] (later "Ahmed Tekuder"), Il-Khan 1282–1284.
*******Son [[Ariq Böke]] fought [[Kublai Khan|Kublai]] for Khan.
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